Too Much Washington Is What Ails U.S. Manufacturing


(Originally published in Forbes.)

Popular on the left is this trope that Washington’s unwavering commitment to free markets is responsible for the demise of America’s once mighty manufacturing sector. A mutation of that belief infecting the “new right” holds that US security is imperiled by Washington’s failure to harness industry’s capacity and direct it toward national economic and social objectives. These strange ideological bedfellows are seeking more federal intervention in the industrial economy, when most manufacturers – and most objective observers – see need for much less.

The interventionists speak of the importance of the industrial economy. They say a vibrant manufacturing sector attracts investment in R&D and that innovation drives productivity and wage growth. They say robust manufacturing capacity is essential to national security, while manufacturing facilities and jobs are important to our social fabric. They say the shuttering of factories over the past couple of decades has been devastating for manufacturing communities and regions.

Well, those points are not especially controversial. But they are being misappropriated to sell the idea that policymakers are failing to parent the manufacturing sector. They are meant to imply that import tariffs have been too few and ineffective; production subsidies have been paltry and erratic; tax credits and other incentives have been too scattershot. They want more federal mandates packaged as “industrial policy” to ensure that manufacturing executes Washington’s plans and that Washington ensures manufacturing’s survival.

This is all far-fetched. For starters, the portrayal of Washington as obeisant to free markets comes straight out of The Babylon Bee, and the “demise” of manufacturing has been more exaggerated than those famous reports of Twain’s death. As this fact- and chart-rich study illustrates, there has been no demise of US manufacturing. Although manufacturing’s share of the US economy peaked in 1953 and manufacturing employment reached its zenith in 1979, the real value of output from US factories is greater today than it has ever been. But the manufacturing sector would be performing even better if it were liberated from what truly restrains its potential: overregulation.

Over the decades, Washington has sought to mitigate this social ill or facilitate that social goal by imposing environmental regulations, occupational safety rules, the workers’ compensation system, mandated employee health coverage, import tariffs, export compliance, and so many other federal mandates. In 2022, the costs of federal regulations amounted to an estimated $3.1 trillion – or 12% of US GDP. That’s 20% more than the entire $2.6 trillion value of the US manufacturing economy.

For manufacturing firms, the cost of federal regulations was roughly $350 billion, or 13.5% of the sector’s GDP—a burden that is 26% greater than the inflation-adjusted cost of regulatory compliance 10 years ago. Regulations cost the average US manufacturing firm over $29,000 per employee, which is more than double the economy-wide average. That cost increases to a staggering $50,100 for manufacturers with fewer than 50 employees, meaning the burden on smaller firms (today’s challengers; tomorrow’s champions) stifles entry, innovation, competition, dynamism, and the productivity it would spur.

Clearly, some regulations are justified. But most take effect without much more than a guess as to their expected benefits and costs. The regulatory agencies tend to exaggerate the social benefits and downplay the economic costs (when they are even required to estimate them), and hardly ever have they performed retrospective assessments to evaluate the veracity of their estimation techniques. Without these basic restraints, the number of final regulatory rules published in the Federal Register has ballooned from 18,000 in 1996 to 118,000 in 2022.

Concerns about climate, national security, the battle for technological supremacy, the reliability of trade partners, sprawling global supply chains, and the alleged demise of US industry have created new constituencies seeking to rescue, revitalize, repurpose, restrict, restrain, and reconfigure the manufacturing sector. But rather than trim superfluous, excessive, or outdated regulations, the Biden administration is offering massive subsidies to induce manufacturers to make semiconductors and green products in the United States. And true to the administration’s form, the rules around those industrial policies operate at cross-purposes, adding unnecessary complexity, uncertainty, and costs to the existing regulatory morass.

The cost of new, final regulations implemented since President Biden’s inauguration reached $1.6 trillion on May 10, more than five times costlier than the regulation-happy Obama administration at the same point in its tenure. How much longer can manufacturers absorb the costs of the continuous accumulation of new rules on top of old without rigorous cost-benefit analyses or any federal commitments to a systematic, mandatory, comprehensive, temporal review of the regulatory landscape?

Meanwhile, the intensifying global pursuit of resources, especially critical minerals needed for the production of semiconductors, electronic vehicle batteries, and other technology goods is stoking competition among countries to attract investment in production capacity and research and development. Whether a country’s regulatory environment helps or hinders will weigh heavily on prospective investment-location decisions.

All three branches of the federal government bear some responsibility for our dire regulatory state. Congress writes vague and ambiguous laws, essentially delegating its legislative responsibilities to the executive branch, which aggrandizes its administrative authorities into writing the laws of the land. Meanwhile, the courts – for the past 40 years – have largely deferred to agencies’ “reasonable interpretation” of ambiguous statutes, offering no further guardrails to contain the regulatory state. This must change and there is hope that change will begin soon.

While noisy groups demand more federal intervention to fix what they think ails manufacturing, the existing wasteland of accumulated, ossified, incongruous regulations confirms that it is Washington, not manufacturing, that needs fixing.


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