Biden Adds Junk Fees To The Inflation-Adjusted Price Of Your Vote

(Originally published at Forbes.) 

Amid elevated living costs and stubbornly high inflation rates, President Biden has been scrambling to make amends. Bothered by high gas prices? No worries. POTUS will tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve – even absent “strategic” necessity. Don’t want to pay back your college loans? Uncle Joe will launder your liabilities in the Treasury’s general assets account – never mind the stealth burden on taxpayers and the Supreme Court ruling against it. Want to jump ship to a business rival after receiving job training or learning sensitive trade secrets? The president will swipe his pen to void the non-compete clause in your private employment contract. Unionized steelworker or construction hardhat working on infrastructure? Scranton Joe’s got your back, shutting out imports and foreign competition, and subsidizing your paychecks with the taxes paid by Americans across the income spectrum. Really, it’s enough to make the late Huey Long blush.

Of course, all populists define their agenda by the villains they concoct. To the Biden administration, the scourge justifying these giveaways is corporate greed in its countless manifestations, which the administration blames for inflation. But, having authorized trillions of dollars of spending by signing into law the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act between 2021-2023, the Biden administration must answer to the high prices of 2024. But deflecting blame is every politician’s preference, so the next corporate windmill at which the Biden agenda tilts is called “junk fees,” which sounds like a convenient scapegoat, though the administration’s target is much broader in scope.

The narrative around so-called junk fees, as the regulators began contemplating new restrictions, seemed to define the target as extra, often unexpected charges levied on top of the price of the primary good or service purchased, such as payments to secure particular airline seats, resort fees at hotels, convenience fees for transferring concert tickets to your phone, or fuel surcharges on meal delivery services that were not advertised at the beginning of the transaction. Most of those kinds of surcharges are legitimate, provide consumers with choices, and help them understand what they’re buying and whether they want it.

But, rhetorically, Biden’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) characterizes junk fees as “hidden and bogus fees that can harm consumers and undercut honest businesses.” Last year, the FTC published a proposed “Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees,” which prohibits “unfair or deceptive practices relating to fees for goods or services, specifically, misrepresenting the total costs of goods and services by omitting mandatory fees from advertised prices and misrepresenting the nature and purpose of fees.” In FTC Chair Lina Khan’s estimation, “by hiding the total price, these junk fees make it harder for consumers to shop for the best product or service and punish businesses who are honest upfront.” In other words, in the name of “transparency,” under the proposed rule, businesses across the country will be required to publish a final sales price, upfront (without knowing what options customers ultimately will choose to include in their purchases), to spare buyers the time and trauma of customizing their purchases because either the costs of customizing or the manner in which those costs are conveyed to the customer are deemed by the FTC to be “unfair” or “deceptive.” This is the administrative state run amok.

About this mission creep, Sean Heather of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wrote: “The FTC latched onto consumer frustrations related to fees in certain industries and extrapolated remedies that it wanted to impose across the entire economy, ignoring differences in how products are priced and marketed, as well as limits to its jurisdiction.” Heather sees the proposed rule as “nothing more than an attempt to micromanage businesses’ pricing structures, often undermining businesses’ ability to give consumers options at different price points.”

Populist politicians excel at finding (often after creating) problems that they can claim credit for fixing, while ignoring or diverting the public’s attention from the secondary consequences of their fixes. In his State of the Union address in March, President Biden boasted: “I’m also getting rid of junk fees those hidden fees added at the end of your bills without your knowledge. My administration just announced we’re cutting credit card late fees from $32 to just $8. The banks and credit card companies don’t like it. Why? I’m saving American families $20 billion a year with all of the junk fees I’m eliminating. And I’m not stopping there. My Administration has proposed rules to make cable, travel, utilities, and online ticket sellers tell you the total price upfront so there are no surprises.”

What could go wrong?

Banning junk fees and taking a bow for alleviating what some may perceive as an annoyance is what populists do. What they don’t do is take responsibility for the secondary effects. If this rule goes into effect, Biden is unlikely to apologize for – or even acknowledge – the increase in general airline ticket prices caused by the inevitable elimination of tiered-pricing, where only passengers willing to pay extra for an aisle or exit row seat bear the cost and other passengers do not. The same goes for credit card late fees, bank overdraft charges, early utility cancellation penalties, online ticket convenience fees and every other product and service that aims to charge only their customers who benefit from that specific service.

By restricting the pricing policies of business across industries, the main economic consequences of this rule include reduced consumer choice, higher prices (which is akin to a regressive tax on lower income consumers), and a dampening of the kinds of market innovations that have enabled businesses to legally and legitimately offer products and services to different income groups at different prices. All that for whose benefit?

Despite the rhetoric about junk fees reflecting corporate greed, the fact is that revenues from such fees are small and have been constant over time. In a recent Cato Institute analysis, Ryan Bourne and Sophia Bagley report that airline baggage and change fees constitute 3.6% of industry revenues; hotel resort fees are 1.1% of accommodation revenue; “hidden” cable fees amount to 4.3% of telecommunication services revenue; and late credit card fees account for 0.8% of “credit intermediation and related activities” revenues. Firms in these industries seem to be inadequately expressing their greed.

The Biden administration’s impulse to regulate seems to be intensifying in the lead up to the November election. From Biden’s inauguration through May 10 of this year, the cost of new, final regulations implemented reached $1.6 trillion, more than five times costlier than over the exact same time frame during the regulation-happy Obama administration. For the full year of 2022, regulations cost the U.S. economy an estimated $3.1 trillion, or about 12 percent of total U.S. GDP.

Clearly, some regulations are justified. But many take effect without much more than a guess as to their expected benefits and costs. The regulatory agencies tend to exaggerate the social benefits and downplay the economic costs, and hardly ever do they perform retrospective assessments to evaluate the veracity of their estimation techniques. Without these basic restraints, the number of final regulatory rules published in the Federal Register has exploded from 18,000 in 1996 to 118,000 in 2022.

It’s not only that the regulatory burden on U.S. businesses continues to grow more onerous. It’s that the wholesale demonization of capitalism, which flows between the regulatory agencies and the president, and down Pennsylvania Avenue to the offices of Sens. Schumer, Warren, and Sanders that encourages the executive branch lawlessness we have been experiencing.

Every day we are warned that the rule of law and democracy itself are at stake in the November election, yet every day the current president asserts executive power in circumvention, if not subversion, of our (little “d”) democratic and (little “r”) republican institutions to aggrandize a radical agenda. Although leftwing populism is treated as relatively benign by mainstream media, it threatens American enterprise, the rule of law, and the broader U.S. economy.


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