Don’t Sack U.S. Retailers With Paper Bag Protectionism
(Originally published on ) A fter seven years and no end in sight to America-First trade policies, the United States – that once indispensable proponent of free trade and economic globalization – has become enamored of protectionism. Many attending the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi this week and hoping to restore faith in the trading system have come to see the United States as a sort of international trade pariah. Although that designation may be considered a badge of honor to America’s trade skeptics, the restrictions they advocate to “protect” U.S. producers and workers claim far more U.S. companies and workers as victims. They also give cover to corporate America’s abuse of the trade laws, which includes running roughshod over pesky competitors, like small mom and pop businesses. Consider the details of a pending effort to shut imported paper bags out of the U.S. market. Apollo Global Management Inc. is a big private equity firm which purch...